
How ING appeals to art lovers via influencer marketing

Hoe ING kunstliefhebbers aanspreekt via influencer marketing

Influencer marketing is a hot topic in content marketing, but the goal is often missed. ING respects the rules of the game and gave two influencers creative freedom.

Love. Hate. Debate.

ING wanted to share its extensive art collection with the general public. The ‘Love. Hate. Debate.’ at the ING Art Centre invites visitors to reflect on their relationship with the works of art.

Rule 1: Choose the right influencers

A successful influencer campaign starts with choosing the right influencers. We didn’t work with highbrow art experts, but with art lovers with whom a broad audience can identify. Like fashion blogger Luigi Pistorio and cartoonist Laura Janssens, who regularly visit museums.

Rule 2: Be authentic

Fake it, till you make it? That is not our style. Luigi and Laura visited the exhibition and each published a personal report for their followers on Instagram. They worked with the concept of the exhibition and shared their unvarnished opinions about the artworks.

Rule 3: Let go

As a brand, there is no point in deciding what your influencers should post. If you try to steer the content too closely, you lose credibility. We gave Luigi and Laura the creative freedom to create original and credible influencer content.

Rule 4: Reuse influencer content

The collaboration with Laura and Luigi was also integrated into ING’s own communications. We created video content for a social media campaign and articles for ING’s blog.

30,000 visitors to the ING art collection

Although this exhibition was up against some of the biggest crowd-pullers such as Keith Haring and Brancusi in Bozar or Van Eyck in MSK Ghent, and was closed prematurely due to the corona outbreak, almost 30,000 visitors came to see ING’s art collection.

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